How does a pawnshop work?
Pawn brokers lend money on items of value ranging from gold and diamond jewelry to
vehicles, TV’s, tools, etc. These items maintain their value over a reasonable period of
time Usually loans are small averaging between $75 and $150, although they can be as
small as $5 or as high as several thousand dollars depending on the value of
the collateral item.
Do most Fassst Cash Pawn Shop customers lose their merchandise?
On average, 75% of all loans are repaid. Repeat customers make up most of our business, similar to any other lending or retail establishment. We know the vast majority of our
customers on a first name basis because they often borrow against the same items over
and over again. It is the choice of the customer whether he/she decides to repay the loan.
This doesn’t look like my Father’s pawn shop why?
The image of a dark, sketchy pawn shop frequented by lowlifes and criminals is long gone.
Here at Fassst Cash Pawn Shop, we focus on providing exceptional customer service in
a clean, safe, friendly and comfortable environment.
What Items Does Fassst Cash Pawn Shop take on loan?
We make loans on just about any item of value. Visit our Loan Page for more details.